jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020

 Summer plans

The vacations and the summer I have waited all year, especially with this pandemic that have me confined in my house. Normally, I’ve never be a person who stayed so much in the home, so stay a lot in it causes me many stress, even more with the online classes.  The truth is that I would like to go to vacations to anywhere, both the north or south of Chile (preferably the south haha) but the important thing is go out of the house :/ and that the place has a beach or lake to swim. This year I planned to go to Chiloe for vacations, I love this place, is precious and the people are so lovely. I wanted to go hitchhiking but for pandemic issues and avoid infections, I think it’s a bad idea, consequently I will use the normal transport like a bus, I hope I can go soonL I would like to go with my boyfriend, my best friends or my family.                                                       Usually I spend the most of the summer and the time with my friends and my boyfriend, going to parties, I think this year the panorama will have to change due the pandemic but I don’t care, the important is be and laugh with them. I plan swim in the beach, do kayak, eat good food, sleep, rest and drink many beers. Honestly I don’t want study in summer (no more please!) but I want work for save a bit money and enjoy the vacations that I want.

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2020

 TV shows and series

As any person who enjoys having Netflix or Amazon, I like very much to watch movies and series, I admit that I prefer the movies because to watch a series takes more time L but If I was free of obligations like the university, I would be all time watching series.One of my favorite series is Breaking Bad, I think the most people of the faculty watched it ah haha is an excellent series, I watched it before enter to university and I watched it again when I began to study and I understood many concepts that Walter mentioned, which was great haha. My dream isn’t to be a “cook of meth” but Walter made it look so cool.                        I like so much the terror and suspense series; I think are very interesting, for example I’ve seen all seasons of American Horror Story (I adore this series) and now I’m watch The haunting of Bly Manor, is very good although sometimes I don’t understand nothing haha. Also I enjoy the comedy series like Malcolm, is very old but it’s very very good and fun, every time that I watch this series I’m die of laughter (Lois is a mother incredible). A series that many people recommended me is Dark, I hope to watch it some day, when the semester end :/

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2020


My future job

Well, obviously I would like to work in something related on what I’m studying now, that is chemistry and pharmacy, the truth is that I haven’t thought in what area I would like to develop professionally but I am interested in the cosmetic area (I adore the makeup) or botany area (I like little plants). It’s hard imagine how would be my future job but I think that it would be a job that I enjoy, with a good work environment, friendly working companions and a good salary. I don’t like so much the indoors, I hope work in a place where I could interact with more people and not in an enclosed space.  If my job allows me travel to different places in the world, it would be really perfect, with a job like that, I will never renounce haha. Furthermore, always is good accumulate knowledge from people of different parts.I don’t know much about salaries but obviously I would like one that allow me live a comfortable life, stable and occasionally with certain luxuries.                                                                              Regard to major, I don’t still think about this, I like many areas but is something I want to decide calmly over the years that I have to study, as I said before, I like the cosmetic area, particularly vegan and cruelty free also the botany because I like so much the plants and its medicinal properties.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2020

 My favorite movie

Hi everyone! I think that I mentioned this in a post of previous course but I’m going to reiterate my idea, the best movie in the world and my favorite is Shrek; in what other movie we could watch an ogre, donkey and a cat as protagonists? In addition, with originals and funny dialogues. I know all dialogues of this movie because I’ve watched it so many times in my life and obviously the songs haha definitely the best song is “I need a hero”. It may be this movie is old and for kids but I love it haha Shrek is life.

I don’t have a favorite kind of movies, I watch everything, romance, drama, fiction, comedy but most of the time I choose a terror movie because I love them or a Disney´s movie because are incomparable like The Lion King.

A movie that I watched recently is “When Marnie was there” by Studio Ghibli, honestly when I started to watch this movie I didn’t understand nothing, for this reason I put many attention during all the movie haha but when was almost finished I understand everything, I recommend it, It’s so beautiful and sad L


The best holidays

This year (before the pandemic) I went on holiday with my boyfriend, the destination wasn´t clear since the objective was to go to many places in the south of Chile. We decided to go hitchhike which was very new for me because I have never done it before. I admit that it was very strange get into a car of a stranger for the first time ahaha but this way we met people very funny, friendly and different. Fortunately, we met only “normal” persons hahah.   I remember that we get in a truck, I felt very afraid because it was too high also the driver drove fast L

The trip lasted almost 2 weeks. One of the places that we visited was Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas, is a wonderful place with magic landscape like the waterfalls (it was definitely my favorite place of the holiday). Fortunately, we could visit this beautiful place before it was affected for the fire that happened shortly after. We did some walks, we were at the beach, we swim in lakes and waterfalls.

I think that it was my favorite trip because I felt very independent, my boyfriend and me get closer and I liked me the comradeship we had each other furthermore the laughs that always be in excess.

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2020



A country that I would visit is Italy, there are so many things to do and see in this country that are world-renowned like the leaning tower of Pisa, the Coliseum and the Vatican although the religion it’s not the reason why I would go exactly ahaha.

Italy is a place full of art museums which I think is fascinating also is place full of history and historical figures like Leonardo Da Vinci. It might sound silly but I desire with all mi heart someday go to this country, visit many museums and hopefully see the most know works like the statue “El David de Miguel Angel”, other place that very interest to me is the city Pompeya, this city was buried and destroyed by volcano Vesubio. Finally, I will like to go to Napoles to eat the original pizza napotelana, always fat never fit hahah.

The things to do in this country seemingly endless, for this reason I think it’s almost impossible to get bored. Maybe, If I knew the language it’s highly probable that I would live there, that is, there are beautiful places to visit, great food, it sounds like a paradise for me ahaha.


  Summer plans The vacations and the summer I have waited all year, especially with this pandemic that have me confined in my house. Norma...