jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020

 Summer plans

The vacations and the summer I have waited all year, especially with this pandemic that have me confined in my house. Normally, I’ve never be a person who stayed so much in the home, so stay a lot in it causes me many stress, even more with the online classes.  The truth is that I would like to go to vacations to anywhere, both the north or south of Chile (preferably the south haha) but the important thing is go out of the house :/ and that the place has a beach or lake to swim. This year I planned to go to Chiloe for vacations, I love this place, is precious and the people are so lovely. I wanted to go hitchhiking but for pandemic issues and avoid infections, I think it’s a bad idea, consequently I will use the normal transport like a bus, I hope I can go soonL I would like to go with my boyfriend, my best friends or my family.                                                       Usually I spend the most of the summer and the time with my friends and my boyfriend, going to parties, I think this year the panorama will have to change due the pandemic but I don’t care, the important is be and laugh with them. I plan swim in the beach, do kayak, eat good food, sleep, rest and drink many beers. Honestly I don’t want study in summer (no more please!) but I want work for save a bit money and enjoy the vacations that I want.

  Summer plans The vacations and the summer I have waited all year, especially with this pandemic that have me confined in my house. Norma...